Remote working used to be something common only with freelancers and tech start-ups, but in today’s world, working remotely has become very popular indeed. Granted, this is mostly due to necessity. But the question is, will it stick around into the future? We think so.
Working remotely comes with plenty of advantages for both employees and employers alike. From improved productivity, staff morale and lower monthly overheads (such as an office space) the list of perks is a long one indeed.
Although the traditional 9 to 5 office hours may seem to be still the go-to option, there are plenty of businesses that are starting to migrate towards remote working either full or part-time. Today, we’re going to explore why this is.
Advantages of Remote Working for Employees
No Commute
Being able to say goodbye to the daily commute has to be one of the top advantages for every employee. Whether you normally drive or take public transport, working remotely will allow you to save the money you’d normally spend on getting to work.
These costs added up over time can make a huge difference to your overall income. As an employee working from home you may also find that you’re spending much less cash on day-to-day things like lunches, coffees and parking.
More Free Time
Without having to commute daily to an office space, yourself and other staff members will quickly discover another great remote working advantage; free time. Of course you will still be working your normal amount of hours, but without having to commute twice a day, you’ll experience a lot more spare time in your day.
For example, if it normally takes you around an hour to get to and from your office each day, then you could gain around 10 extra hours per normal working week.
We all know that time is precious, especially when you have a busy schedule, so having a few extra hours per day could help you to finally get an important project done, allow you to look after your family or just to have a bit of “me-time”.
You could use the extra time in order to be more productive in your work. By using your spare hour to brush up on techniques, prepare for a meeting or contact clients, your working day could run a lot smoother with much less stress.
Less Stress
That brings us onto our next advantage of working remotely; lowered stress. By taking stressful stimuli or situations out of your daily work routine, you may feel generally happier in your work. Remote working virtually eliminates office gossip, hectic traffic jams or missing the train home- all potential contributors to stress.
Having a less tense commute or working environment can positively affect both your work and personal life. Feeling less stressed in general can have both physical and mental health benefits, such as being able to think clearly, sleep better and be generally healthier.
Advantages of Remote Working for Employers
No Office Costs
Whatever size business you manage, having a designated office space can become a costly expense. Continual outgoings such as rent, electricity, maintenance and equipment can all quickly eat up your monthly or annual budgets.
By introducing remote working to your business, you could swiftly reduce the amount you are spending on your workspace. Perhaps you are considering introducing a part-time remote working schedule, whilst still maintaining a physical office space. This technique could still enable you to save money on office expenses.
Increased Staff Productivity
Another advantage of remote working is increased productivity. Although some could assume productivity dwindles when employees are left to their own devices, feedback from different studies in recent years have actually shown the opposite effect.
As individuals, we all have different preferred working methods and environments. Some people will choose to work in silence, others will choose to have a busy, noisy background in order to work in.
Neither choice is right or wrong, it is up to individual preference and what they feel is best for them. Offering a remote working schedule allows your employees a more personalised choice for how they work, giving them greater opportunity to thrive in their tasks.
Being able to avoid the office chatter-boxes or the impromptu meetings will enable your employees to embrace a more effective and productive workflow.
Happier Staff
Without giving out pay rises or more holiday days, making your staff happier at work can seem like an unachievable goal for many employers. However remote working can increase the overall mental wellness of employees.
Without the usual stresses that can contribute to a typical work day such as traffic jams or delayed public transport, employees tend to feel a lot more content in their role. By cancelling the stressful and time-consuming commute to the office, you’ll most likely notice a positive difference in your staff and in their work too.
Our Top Remote Working Tips
Whether you’re an old hand at remote working or a complete newbie, it’s always a good idea to brush up on tips and tricks to help you make the most out of working remotely.
1) Maintain a Schedule
Maintaining a sensible schedule will benefit you greatly when working from home. One of the most difficult aspects of remote working is separating your work life from your personal life. Checking emails after clocking off and watching TV between tasks are both examples of one life bleeding into the other.
Keeping to a schedule – just as you would if you were going into the office – can help your internal body clock recognise when it’s time for work, and when it’s time to rest.
2) Get Dressed
Working from home can essentially remove the need to look presentable, especially if you don’t have any meetings on any given day. Working in your pyjamas can seem like a great idea, and being comfy at work is what we all want, it’s not always a good idea.
Not getting dressed can make it much more difficult to get into ‘work mode’, and might hinder you from reaching your full working potential that day.
3) Take Regular Breaks
Make sure to take regular screen breaks, just like you would in a regular office. Go and make a cup of tea or get some fresh air outside. This will help to break up your working day and keep your eyes focused and comfortable. Another great tip for remote working is exercise. Instead of commuting to the office, going for a walk around the block before you log-on can help you to get into ‘work mode’.
4) Create a Designated Space for Working
One challenge of home or remote working is not having a suitable place from which to work. Whether it be the kitchen table, the sofa or the bed, none of these are particularly ideal places to work. Try and create a space that is specific for work, where you can really get in the mindset for working.
Remove all distractions from this area, so whether it’s a corner of the bedroom or the spare room, you can make sure you can get in the right headspace to work.
5) Keep in Touch with Colleagues
Keeping in touch with colleagues is also vital for a successful remote working routine. Try setting up regular virtual coffee breaks or catch-up meetings in order to keep up with your peers and see what they’re working on. It’s a great way to collaborate and build relationships with your team members, even when you don’t see each other on a regular basis.
6) Make the Most of your Free Time
Now that you don’t have to commute to an office, it’s vital to make the most of your extra free time. Taking up a new hobby or work-out routine can help you to stay healthy and more relaxed, even after a busy day at work. Making the most of your time away from work can help you bookend your free time, just as a work schedule can help you bookend your working day.
Final Notes
Working remotely may just be the future of office working. As more and more businesses start to see the benefits of remote working (for both employees and employers), who knows? Remote working might just become the norm, and if it does, it could be a very good thing for everyone.
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