Agile project management Tools
Unlock Agile with Verto
Are you a project manager, team manager, business lead or CEO?
If so, the concept of agile project management or agile working will have likely come your way. If you are looking to streamline the way your projects are managed, or hoping to achieve your desired outcome in the most effective way, you’ve come to the right place.
Agile project management is a way of working that involves a more flexible approach to project-based tasks. By decreasing the scale of a task, testing and then receiving feedback quickly, teams can pivot earlier for larger engagements before too much has been done.
Bringing the team together to work on individual tasks breaks down a larger, more daunting engagement, making everyone accountable and motivated to do their part. Within an agile environment, benefits can often be realised along the way, rather than waiting for them to be identified at the end of a project.
With the whole team empowered, adaptable and working quickly and flexibly, you’ll find yourself with a more engaged and happier workforce.
Empower your teams with the tools they need
Working with agility enables businesses to cover more ground more quickly when working towards a goal, business outcome, or benefit for the organisation. This can be done in different ways, each coming with its own set of terminologies such as:
Customise Verto to the way you work
Agile project managers, while handing a lot of autonomy over to the team, need to be well-informed and hands-on to ensure their sprint is a success. Verto boards offer a completely agile and configurable way of monitoring any activity, meeting or project. Flexibility is key, so the easily moveable cards on the Kanban-style board can include a range of entries to provide a team with the most comprehensive view of their workspace.
Verto’s project dashboard functionality and visually impressive reporting tools can easily track and report at multiple levels in real time. Capturing all data within one, cloud-based system enables benchmarking to be established early on, and reporting becomes one single version of the truth to be presented at any stage of your project.
Project Management with Verto 365 – All for one, and one for all
Understanding the wide range of sectors, activities and initiatives that any one local government organisation deals with in a year is a mammoth task. Serving their local community is dependent on many factors ranging from geo-politics to community preferences and everything in between.
At Verto, we understand the varying sticking points encountered by councils, based on our extensive experience in working in the sector, and have designed a single platform that will tackle each problem directly and suit a wide range of needs.
As a UK-based and founded company, Verto continues to support the ever-changing needs of Local Government organisations and provides ongoing, quality customer care to all users across the sector.