Benefits Realisation – Streamlined for Your Business

Verto easily aligns your business goals and project outcomes, helping you track and manage project benefits with ease. 

Track the Benefits that Make a Difference

Too many big businesses struggle to keep projects on course when multiple plates are spinning. Input from various teams and stakeholders can be hard to manage for even the most experienced project managers.

Many private sector organisations are looking for new routes to gain success, especially during times of uncertainty that affect customer confidence. Creating more money for the organisation to spend is known as a cashable benefit, and can be quick to realise.  

When it comes to public sector organisations, success is often for the benefit of the public. This places huge pressure on project managers to ensure project goals are always achieved. Sometimes benefits aren’t immediate but develop over time. Non-cashable benefits are harder to track in this way but are still vital to understand.  

Financial savings are seen as cashable benefits by all types of organisation, be it non-profit, public or private sector. This allows it to be identified immediately.

employees looking at project costs

Benefits Realisation for the Targets That Matter

Businesses are learning that in order to better quantify their success, and highlight where time, efforts and resources should be invested, project benefits need to be tracked. Verto 365 gives you the tools you need to identify, manage and forecast your benefits.

As an all-in-one solution to tracking project benefits, Verto 365 knows how to bring all the moving parts of your project together and help you stay on track. No matter the sector your organisation belongs to, Verto 365 provides you with modern benefits realisation functionality. 

Benefits can be quantifiable (measurable and easy to forecast), observable (easy to forecast but will take an assessor to determine the outcome) or measurable (easy to measure but not easy to forecast). Verto 365 helps track them all.

Correlate the benefits from project outcomes with performance outcomes and KPI’s all from one easy-to-use interface, all maintained within one cloud-based system. 

Best Laid Plans are Realised with Verto

Use Verto 365 for managing your benefits realisation, and map any project or workstream against a certain set of desirable outcomes. Keep accountable with a range of tools designed to get your project to the end goal in as simple and effective ways as possible.  

Verto 365’s dashboard functionality and visually impressive reporting tools can easily track and report at multiple levels. Capturing all data within one system enables benchmarking to be established early on, and goals can remain constant. Cloud-based reporting in real time provides you with one single version of the truth to be presented at any stage of your project. 

Verto 365 allows you to see the dependency of one activity, workstream or project on another, thanks to the dependency mapping tools called ‘VertoSense’. So when your organisational goals are at stake, you can map out the risk of one project with a milestone of another to identify where there might be overlap, risk or a timing issue to re-plan.

Verto dashboard view showing all the quick ways to manage your project

Consolidate and Streamline Project & Resource Management

Document permissions set incorrectly, overwritten versions or using different systems create issues that could affect the outcome of your project. While the dashboard provides you with the latest snapshot to report at any stage, Verto 365’s document management system will allow you to look back on each amendment made to any document, at any time. 

Retrieving past versions is made easy, so you can always track the development of the work you are doing. Permissions are set and maintained throughout any system integration or set-up, and Verto 365’s upload function means you can work on whatever system you feel comfortable with. This can be done live, with amendments being made in real time.  

Using Verto 365’s suite of tools can help users to identify if benefits are being realised along the way, whether observable or measurable. By picking up on any issues that occur as you work through the benefits realisation and management process, Verto 365 can help the team react quickly to a situation before it turns into a risk. 

A solution-based project management software like Verto 365 is a valuable piece of the puzzle when trying to implement benefits-driven change.