Benefits and Finance

See the big picture

Verto Feature

Benefits and Finance

Benefits are the positive outcomes that a project is expected to deliver. They are crucial for justifying the project, guiding decisions, engaging stakeholders, and measuring success. Proper management of benefits ensures that the project delivers real value to the organisation and its stakeholders. 

Finance is directly linked to benefits as it involves all the financial activities required to plan, fund, manage, and control the costs and financial resources of a project. It is a critical component that ensures the project is financially viable, stays on budget, and delivers its expected financial benefits.

Verto Application Financial Screen
Verto Feature

Drive real value and financial success

Use Verto to:

  • Plan and detail your costs and expected benefits in a business case to get project approval.
  • Track your financial, non-financial and opportunity benefits throughout the life of the project.
  • Keep your stakeholders informed on progress.
  • Record all costs for your projects and keep track of spending as you go to stay on budget.
  • Cost/Benefit Analysis.
  • Identify where savings could be made, and which projects need remedial action
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